

对外科技术人员的需求正在迅速增长, 和 博彩网址大全 has responded with our newest health science program – surgical technology.

The surgical technology associate degree program at MCC will prepare you to enter the field with confidence, 临床实践培训, 以及职场成功所需要的技能.


  • 住院医院的手术室
  • 门诊手术中心
  • 急诊室
  • 中央供应

你将成为外科医生团队的重要一员, 麻醉医师, 和 registered nurses – all committed to providing a safe 和 sterile environment 和 positive patient outcomes.

博彩网址大全外科技术项目是由 联合健康教育计划认证委员会 根据委员会的建议 认证 Review Council on Education in 外科手术技术 和 Surgical Assisting.


卫生科学学院 & 身体健康健康科学学院 & 身体健康准备你提供高质量的病人/客户护理, 和 improve the health of individuals 和 communities through education 和 service.


113街9355号. N, #7709
(727) 210-2350


作为手术室团队的一员, surgical technologists work under medical supervision to help make operations safe 和 effective. 您将学习如何确保设备正常运行, 手术是在病人安全最大化的条件下进行的.

除了, you’ll become an expert in the theory 和 application of sterile 和 aseptic techniques, 当你获得人体解剖学的知识, 外科手术, 和 the tools 和 technologies physicians use in invasive therapeutic 和 diagnostic procedures.

外科技术正在迅速发展. This field will offer you exciting new challenges as 外科手术 和 medical technologies change. After you earn your associate degree 和 pass the national certification examination, 你将有资格申请外科或手术室技术员的工作.


  • 高地医院
  • 罗切斯特大学医学中心
  • 罗彻斯特地区卫生系统
  • 林登橡树手术中心
  • 汤普森的健康
  • 锯草手术中心
  • 韦斯特福外科中心

该条例于2013年7月签署成为纽约法律, 2015年1月生效, require new surgical technologists to graduate from an accredited surgical technology program 和 pass a national certification exam.

要了解更多关于外科技术A.A.S. 请与博彩网址大全的招生办公室联系 admissions@chinaqinyu.com or (585) 292-2200.

请注意:由于外科技术项目的竞争性质, most students will complete several required courses before beginning the four-semester sequence of surgical technology courses. 阅读我们的 招生要求 和 联系招生办公室 了解更多.


A.A.S. 学位-职业计划


学校(s): 健康科学 & 身体健康


本方案的设计基于: 新MCC通识教育

外科技术课程提供应用科学副学士学位. This program is designed to prepare Surgical Technologists who practice under medical supervision to facilitate safe 和 effective conduct of invasive 外科手术. The individual works as a member of the surgical team under the supervision of the circulating nurse 和 surgeon to ensure that the operating room environment is safe, 设备正常工作, 和 that the operative procedure is conducted under conditions that maximize patient safety. Surgical technologists possess expertise in the theory 和 application of sterile 和 aseptic technique 和 combine knowledge of human anatomy, 外科手术, 和 implementation tools 和 technologies to facilitate a physician’s performance of invasive therapeutic 和 diagnostic procedures. Graduates of 外科手术技术 programs are prepared to work in a variety of settings including inpatient hospital operating rooms, 门诊手术中心, 急诊室和中央供给室.

通向A的课程.A.S. 学位包括64个学分. 该项目包括文科和理科以及外科技术课程. 随着学生在课程中的进步, 将课堂理论应用于手术室的临床实践. A grade of C or better is required for satisfactory completion of all Biology (BIO) 和 外科手术技术 (SGT) courses. 学生自己负责往返于临床地点的交通. Current CPR certification for the professional rescuer is required for courses with a clinical component (SGT 201 和 SGT 202).

学习计划必须在入学后五年内完成. A minimum grade of C is necessary in all required 外科手术技术 courses for continued matriculation in the program. No student may progress to the next 外科手术技术 course level without successful completion of all courses in the previous level. 完成医疗要求, clearance of existing health problem(s) 和 ability to meet essential functions (physical & 心理需求)的程序, 接种季节性流感疫苗, 乙型肝炎, 和 meningitis vaccination must be met for admission 和 continuation in the program. 医疗需求, 包括PPD(或x射线负片), 水痘免疫证明, 和免疫, must be met throughout the duration of the program in order for the student to attend clinical. 外科技术是一门要求高、竞争激烈的专业. 重新进入该计划不是自动的,而是取决于几个因素. Students seeking readmission to the program (or seeking admission after unsuccessful attempts in a program at another college) should contact the 外科手术技术 Program Director for information. 重新入学,如果批准,总是在可用空间的基础上. 目前有双人专业救援员CPR证书, 包括婴儿, 孩子, 成人, 所有学生都需要使用自动体外除颤器(AED). 只有美国心脏协会,BLS卫生保健提供者(CPR) & AED)(2年)或美国红十字会专业救援人员(CPR) & AED)(1年)认证是可以接受的. Proof of certification must be submitted to the department at least one month prior to starting the program. 当前的认证必须在整个项目期间保持. Students need to complete any TRS or ESL courses prior to enrollment in the program. 学生必须有当前的健康保险参加该计划. The fee for health insurance will be added to tuition if students do not provide proof of insurance prior to the start of program.

2.Demonstrate proficiency in performing the typical duties of a surgical technologist in sterile 和 non-sterile roles.
3.Exhibit effective critical thinking skills to achieve established surgical technology educational goals.
4.Display accountable professional behavior within the roles 和 competencies of the surgical technologist position.
5.Correlate physical fitness principles 和 practice to create a personal health 和 wellness plan that supports the surgical technologist role.

相关工作: 职业教练
职业资源: http://www.onetonline.org

7级(或更高)安置, mth096与B-, 含C的MTH 104, m 160带C, 或MTH 165(或更高)C. (Recommended high school course Algebra II with Trigonometry with a grade of 75 or higher)
必修课程:高中生物成绩C或以上, 和 High School Chemistry with a grade of C or better or the equivalent MCC courses (BIO 133/132, 格瓦拉100)
生物144, BIO 145 和 BIO 202 grades must be no more than seven years old with a grade of 'C' to be considered when the applicant is accepted for admission into the 外科手术技术 program.


人体解剖学与生理学1 4
m 160 OR MTH 165大学代数 OR 高* 3
HIM 104医学术语 3
SGT 100外科技术导论 4
外科技术基础 1
总计 15
人体解剖学和生理学II 4
eng101大学作文 OR eng200高级构图 3
PHL 103伦理学导论 3
SGT 101外科药理学和麻醉 2
SGT 102外科技术原理与实践 5
总计 17
SOC 101社会学导论- WR 3
BIO 202微生物学 4
总计 7
SGT 201外科手术10
总计 13
SGT 202专业外科手术10
SGT 210外科技术专业问题和认证 2
总计 12
ADVISEMENT NOTE: Completion of all listed courses with a grade of C or better each semester is required for advancement to the next semester.
Students must complete BIO 和 SGT courses following the semester sequence; BIO courses may be previously completed.
